Focus on the Fathers

Today at PALS we are going to feature a Focus on the Fathers day and provide resources, articles, and original work specifically to support the father in a pregnancy loss.  I’ll never forget the time I went to a meeting for bereaved L&D and NICU parents, and a man gave his perspective on returning to work after their daughter passed away after two weeks in the NICU.

“Everyone told me how sorry they were,” he remembered.  “They all asked the same question- how is your wife?  They had no idea I was hurting, too.”

In the original work category, I asked Noah if he’d be interested in writing something.  I was surprised and pleased- not surprised that he said yes, but that he’d share his feelings so publicly.  Where I am loud, Noah is quiet.  Where I share everything, Noah keeps things close.  I was proud of him for being open for the sake of helping others.

He wrote his piece and showed it to me.  It was fantastic.  It meant so much to me to read these words from him.  I hope that they help other fathers, too.  It’s not just a mother that aches when her baby dies.  Fathers, families, friends- they all feel the emptiness.

Here is the link to Noah’s piece, and if you’re not already following PALS on Facebook, you can do that here.