The Strongest Muscle (Eeek- I’m Forever Live On Video Now)

Listen To Your Mother has released the videos from their 2015 season, which means you can go on their website and watch all of the wonderful stories.  If all of the cities were even half as good as Baltimore was, you’re in for a treat.

Click here for the official video of me reading my piece, The Strongest Muscle.  If you have time, I encourage you to watch all of Baltimore in order- the pieces are put together by our wonderful producers in a specific order to take the watcher on a journey, so there is a purpose to the sequence.

Please check out my friend and fellow Twin Cities castmate (and founder of Pregnancy After Loss) Lindsey Henke’s piece, too- you can find her in the 2015 Twin Cities cast.

Lastly, I encourage you to audition next year in your local city.  It truly was an experience I’ll never forget, and has given me lots of opportunities that I never dreamed I’d have the chance to experience.

One thought on “The Strongest Muscle (Eeek- I’m Forever Live On Video Now)”

  1. Anne, cast sister, brave woman! I just watched your story again and felt its beauty once again. Your tender and honest writing about your journey as Hank’s mother is heart-rending and beautiful. I know you are an advocate for pregnancy after loss–couldn’t think of a better spokesperson with a gift of storytelling to share your message. Love you!

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